The function of laptop already slightly pushes the Pc position. If around five years ago people prefer to have PC than laptop (maybe because of laptop price is very expensive) but right now people turn 180 degrees and they would like to have a laptop than a PC in the home.
Here are some reasons why they prefer to laptop:
•Laptop is simple. It can support the active person because they still can work any time and any where with their laptop.
•The present price of laptop become lower and lower. Especially there is some offers from the shop or financial provider to use business loans or personal loans with the fix monthly payment.
•The power of laptop similar with PC and we can found some series that it more powerful than our PC in the home.
• From the prestige side, have a laptop is more valuable than have a PC because we can go with laptop in our side or in our bag pack.
Right now the publication and promotion of laptops can be found in every where, start from newspaper until in the television. All people talk about laptop series. We can do more tasks with laptop because it can be used to calculate our profit until as reminder to pay our business credit. As long as need computer, the laptop can replace the PC position.